Enhancing Loan Retention with Predictive Models & Win-Back Strategy for an African MNC bank

NeoStats substantially boosted client retention using advanced analytic by precisely targeting and re-engaging previous customers with optimized win-back strategies which significantly improved conversion rates
“Very professional, extremely knowledgeable experts that are always eager to assist. The Neostats team has translated complex technical tasks into simple, understandable language”

Isang Linchwe

Enterprise Agility Strategist, Letshego Holdings

Increase in Personal Loan Bookings
0 X
Incremental Revenue Per Year
+ 0 %
Increase in Loan
Ticket Size
+ 0 %


The bank faced significant challenges in re-engaging customers who had settled their loans, resulting in very low conversion rates for personal loans. The issue was further exacerbated by inefficient tele-calling practices and delays in customer outreach.



Developed ML propensity model through which we

What Neostats brought to the table

Increased Conversion Rates

Optimized Contact Strategy

Improved Channel Allocation

Enhanced Retention Rates

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